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dashaPew | 02/11/2018

The transport development has caused objective problems for traffic in cities around the world, including Latvia, and the reason for this is a rapid increase in the number of vehicles. Road congestion is the most urgent problem in a trip planning because it affects the total time of transportation and, therefore, costs that have a particular relevance to the logistics industry. The quality of the roads, a painful subject in the past, has a significant impact on transportation time. Without high-quality roads, it is impossible to improve the efficiency of transport, which, in the context of economic globalization, is said to be one of the main directions for the logistics development.

Promises against statistics

At the end of 2017, according to the report "Global Competitiveness Index", which was annually compiled by experts from the World Economic Forum, Latvia was not ranked among the top 100 countries of the world's rating. (out of 137 countries participating in the ranking, Latvia took 107th place, and Lithuania and Estonia took the 37th and 38th places) Despite this, VAS (State Roads of Latvia) announced that, despite the increase in traffic on Latvian roads, their quality has been improved in recent years.

EU assessment - Stable 3 points. Rolands Petersons minicredit

In 2017, 65.1 million euros were spent on the development of the national roads, including 32.3 million for the summer period works, and 32.8 million for the winter period works. In the same year, it was also planned to spend 37 million more, compared with the previous year. However, even these investments have not resulted in the average level of road quality in the European Union. According to the latest report, the average level in the EU is estimated at 4.76 points, Latvia, compared to that has been given 3.05 points. Rolands Petersons minicredit

The state of the roads not only hinders the development of the logistics industry but also contributes to the disproportionate level and the pace of social and economic development of the regions. The most remote regions of Latvia can develop tourism facilities, offer industrial premises for entrepreneurs, etc. however, if there is no road system to get to these cites, no results shall be expected.

Financing is eight times less than it needs to be. Rolands Petersons minicredit

"Requests for the organization of roads," "Road quality is catastrophic" - these headlines often appear in the mass media, while road maps try to reduce the existing damage by implementation of available sources, however, there is no sign of a significant improvement, when the funding is eight times less than it is necessary. At the same time, we make the mistake of struggling only with the consequences of the disease, when we need to identify the root of the problem and take the preventive measures. Rolands Petersons minicredit

One of the main problems that can be figured out now is the climate of the country, which in Latvia will not change significantly in the future, therefore, the problem will remain constant. The number of vehicles will also increase, so the question is: how to increase financing, which is the most important addition to the urgent issues. 130 million euros are required annually for maintenance and repair works of local and gravel roads but this amount cannot be provided only by EU funds. It is also completely unclear how the situation will look like in 2020, after the end of EU funding program.

Without the excise tax on fuel, there is no chance for survival Rolands Petersons minicredit

The fact that the change is expected in 2020, the spring of 2018 is said to be the moment to start an intensive work and stimulate actions - change existing arrangements related to the existing tax system (only a third of the tax, paid by road users, are redirected to roads). The time when it was possible to pull out a part of the income from tax has passed. Furthermore, we need to increase the number of public-private partnership projects in the sphere of the road construction, although this stage requires a proper preparation.Rolands Petersons minicredit

In addition to financing, other necessary support measures need to be introduced: dumping water from roads in certain areas, timely planning, more restrictive control on roads, etc.

A successful start is taken after reconstruction

rousePew | 01/11/2018

The airport in Liepaja did a great job - in 2015 after its
reconstruction was completed. At the airport a significant
drainage effort was undertaken, a new cover for the take-off
track was laid, the take-off strip was reinforced, the cover
of the shunting route was improved and expanded, parking places
for the aircraft were renovated as well. After Liepaja Airport
was certified for commercial flights for the summer season in
2016, the Latvian national airline "AirBaltic" launched regular
flights between Riga and Liepaja. During the first half of that
year, more than 4,780 passengers were transported along this
route. The five most popular

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Несколько фактов о Челябинске

AshleyDiany | 29/10/2018

Основанный в 1736 году как крепость, Челябинск к XIX веку стал одним из крупнейших торговых центров Урала, а к концу века и всей России в связи с появлением в 1892 году железнодорожного сообщения города с Москвой[8] . В связи с активным строительством промышленных предприятий в Челябинске в годы первых пятилеток, а затем и эвакуацией заводов во время Великой Отечественной войны, город стал одним из крупнейших в СССР промышленных центров. Из-за интенсивного производства в городе танков и других боевых машин в военный период Челябинску в 2015 году присвоили звание города трудовой доблести и славы[9], а сам город в народе получил название «Танкоград» .

[b]Озеро Смолино[/b]

В черте города Челябинска расплескала матушка-природа лазоревые воды озера Смолино, возраст которого уходит глубоко в века, а точнее колеблется в районе 3 миллионов лет. Доказательством служит найденное на берегах грузило доисторического рыбака, датированное аж 4 тысячелетием до н. э.

Кузьмин Валентин Юрьевич

CharlesVab | 28/10/2018

Начальник УМВД России по Брянской области, генерал-майор полиции.
Родился 16 апреля 1961 года в деревне Крутицы Кинешемского района Ивановской области, женат.
Имеет высшее юридическое образование — окончил Нижегородскую высшую школу МВД СССР в 1991 году
по специальности «Юриспруденция». Служил в «горячих точках». В период с июня 1983 по сентябрь 1984
года исполнял интернациональный долг в демократической республике Афганистан. С сентября 2004
года по сентябрь 2005 года находился в служебной командировке в Северо-Кавказском регионе.
Службу в милиции начал с должности оперуполномоченного, отделения уголовного розыска, отдела
внутренних дел Кинешемского горисполкома Ивановской области. С февраля 1987 года по декабрь
1989 года работал старшим оперуполномоченным ОУР. С декабря 1989 по декабрь 1991 возглавлял
отделение УР. С декабря 1991 по декабрь 1993 работал заместителем начальника криминальной милиции,
начальником ОУР. С декабря 1993 по май 1995 работал заместителем начальника СКМ, начальником отдела
уголовного розыска УВД Кинешемского района Ивановской области. С мая 1995 по октябрь 1999 работал
заместителем начальника управления, начальником криминальной милиции УВД города Кинешмы.
С октября 1999 по декабрь 2001 работал заместителем начальника отдела, начальником криминальной
милиции ОВД Кинешемского района Ивановской области. С декабря 2001 по сентябрь 2003 возглавлял
ОВД города Кинешмы. С сентября 2003 по май 2004 начальник УВД Кинешемского района Ивановской области.
С мая 2004 по май 2007 руководил УБОП УВД Ивановской области. С мая 2007 по август 2007 года
был первым заместителем начальника УВД Екатеринбурга, начальником СКМ, затем возглавил городское УВД.
С 16 июня 2008 года служил в должности заместителя начальника — начальника милиции общественной
безопасности ГУВД по Свердловской области. Имеет государственную награду – медаль «За отвагу».
Указом от 4 апреля 2011 года Президент России Д.А. Медведев назначен начальником Управления
Министерства внутренних дел России по Брянской области.

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CharlesJiz | 26/10/2018

Siemian has also played well this summer, so much so it's unlikely the Broncos will be able to slip him through to the practice squad.
Manziel? The Bengals have handled better. They've already beaten Joe Flacco and the Ravens in Baltimore, and last week knocked off Ben Roethlisberger and the Steelers in Pittsburgh to remain one of four unbeaten teams.
"I don't think Ray intended to gain any unfair advantage and he's learned from his mistakes," Haslam said, refusing to address the issue further.
It's possible the league could delay any action against Manziel until next week.
With his sixth Super Bowl berth, Brady surpassed John Elway for the most by a quarterback and tied defensive lineman Mike Lodish for most by any player. Belichick's sixth visit tied him with Don Shula's for most by a coach.
Now, two of the league's most respected players face off again Monday night when Revis' Jets meet Johnson's Colts.

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Taraswek | 25/10/2018

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